Hi there fellow carver! A new year is upon us and we have got some news on our website. Among other things, a new tool: Kolrosing knife. It is a nice tool if you want to make your works a bit [...]
Hello there! From the 21st of December to the 9th of January we will take a Christmas break from forging tools, infact the whole workshop will take a break. The webshop is still going strong this [...]
Summer is here and it is once again time for us to take a well deserved break in the workshop. The webshop will be kept open so our customers can place orders – but we will not be making and [...]
Hello there! From the 21st of December to the 9th of January we will take a Christmas break from forging tools, infact the whole workshop will take a break. The webshop is still going strong this [...]
It is now summertime once again and that means we need to let the workshop cool down a bit (as much as possible in the summer heat) and take some well needed rest. The workshop is closed from 22 [...]
We want to thank all our lovely customers for this year. It has been a year with ups and downs, with both an unstable world situation and some hand injuries in the workshop during autumn. But [...]
Thanks once again to all our customers for an amazing spring, now we will take our summer break. The possibility to order via djarv.se will be closed from 20th of June to 11th of August. We are [...]
We have had an exciting 2021 with many irons in the fire. Everyting from renovating power hammers and remodeling of our workshop, to making lots of tools that we hope will spread lots of joy with [...]
Today we have smith some new Carving axes. You can find some ex of both Carving axe 0,6 kg and Carving axe 0,75 kg in stock Even Carving axe 0,4 kg and Cutting axe 0,7 kg are in stock. Welcome!
A lot of new gouges and chisel have been made in the smithy this week. Not all of them were ordered so some of them are now in stock on the website. 3 models of bent gouges, some straight and two [...]