Contact & find us


Sör Nävde 15
SE-774 92
Avesta, Sweden

+46 (0)226-221 41
+46 (0)73 075 36 12

Opening hours

Monday to friday 08:00-17:00
Closed for lunch 12:00-13:00

Too see special and changed opening hours, please have a look at our Google profile for the latest updates. You can find it HERE.

Please give us a call before you visit to check the current stock and if there are any changes to the opening hours. If you want to purchase anything in our little store, we can only take cash or Swish.

Closed for vacation: The workshop takes a well needed break from the end of June until mid-August. As well as a few weeks over Christmas and New Years. We are also closed on public holidays.

Contact us

  • Feel free to just send us a simple hello or ask any question. We look forward to your message!