Mini tools

Below we present some mini tools that are specifically tailored for working with smaller projects. Many of these tools are also a part of our Small Wood Sculpting Set. Click on the pictures below to access our shop pages.

Spoon knife mini

Mini double bevel chisel oblique, 13×32 mm

Double bevel chisel oblique, 15 cm / 15 mm

Adze mini 0,4 kg

Flat adze mini 0,4 kg

Short straight hooked gouge 20-20 mm

Bent gouge 15 cm / 20-13 mm

Mini gouge 20-12 mm

Straight gouge 15 cm / 10-11 mm

Straight gouge 15 cm / 30-13 mm

Straight chisel 15 cm / 12 mm

Mini V-gouge bent 60 deg / 3,5 mm